This brief video interviews a middle school student during his project on Thomas Jefferson's biography. He chose this project, chose PowerPoint, and was interested in business and economics. He used something called "project foundry" to create a checklist of tasks he needed to complete for the project. He also used .edu and .govs for his research. He had to create a project proposal to work on this independent project.
One thing I learned from this video was how powerful student choice is. Also, I love the idea of students creating and managing a project checklist. I'm not sure about making the project independent. I would have liked to see some collaboration involved. I would rate the film a 3. I like the student use of technology and goal directed learning, I also like the video was connected to the "infusion" level of technology integration. A good use of technology in the classroom, but it still seems very 20th century in terms of the skills and products created bvy the student.
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